headshots People photography Photography

Intention in Headshot photography

I’d like to talk about Intention in Headshot photography.

There are many aspects I keep in mind through a headshot photography session.

because every person is unique, the most interesting aspect for me is working with my subject, to get the desired expressions.

My job as a headshot photographer is to lay out the ground on which my subject’s character can flourish and manifest itself so I can capture it. It’s very important for the subject to have intention behind their expression, that’s what I’m looking for in my sessions.

Light and composition are fundamentals and are second nature to me, I check them constantly and press the shutter only if both are perfect, as well as making sure that the background is just that and doesn’t have any attention grabbing elements.

While Light and composition have to do with aesthetics, they are mostly technical, and since I’m very experienced, I always make it work first, so I can concentrate in my subject, this is really what it’s all about.

I find Liron Levo’s shots above, a great example of Intention in Headshot photography, each one captures a moment that represent a character with intention.

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