Photography Technology

Innovation in photography

Have you heard of Lytro? This new consumer camera is, In my view, the most dramatic innovation in photography, since adding a lens to the camera-obscura*. It’s the first one to capture a Light Field by measuring the amount of light traveling in every direction through every point in space and by that expanding dynamically the range of focus. if you haven’t seen it yet, take a pick at the sample pictures in this link, on the linked page, click the area of the picture you’d like to focus on: It is a true revolution.

This is not an ad nor a recommendation to buy this product, It doesn’t seem to be ready for the professional print market yet, and still, I would love to play with one.

(*pin-hole camera)


I just found out that the company removed the servers for the Lytro camera, You can still watch the video below to see what’s it all about.