I was shooting a project in downtown LA this week. It’s a wonderful area to hunt for compositions. Using a smartphone made it very easy to snap this image while crossing the train rails to the other side of the river, I processed it the next time I had a couple of free minutes.
Smartphone photography is fun, I stopped using my snapshot camera a year ago, shortly after I started using a smartphone. Up to that time I always carried a compact camera with me, even when I had my Professional DSLR camera with me, it was usually a Canon PowerShot. Now I always have with me my phone/snapshot camera/music library/phonebook/portfolio/…. well, you get the idea.
Thanks to Steve Jobs for refining the concept, and thanks to all the rest who picked up the ball and started running. The best is yet to come.
The smartphone images are about as good as any snapshot camera, less the zoom capabilities.
I never use the phone’s digital zoom, I prefer to crop an image after taking it, that’s if I really need to. In order to satisfy my kink for constantly framing the world around me, the smartphone is a great solution.
The huge variety of cool apps out there is a bit confusing at first but I narrowed it down to two apps that I find are fun and helpful. The one I can’t do without is Thamba photo editor, it’s a feature-rich “Photoshop” substitute, the other is LoMob which allows me to mimic different film styles. Here’s a couple of recent shots.
I shot the first one at my doorstep this resilient little thing was growing from the concrete two feet in front of my door. I consider it lucky even though it has only three leaves. I shot he fire hydrant a couple of blocks from my house.
After watching “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, I gained respect for the fact that even the fringe, in a time of internet and social networking, can get mainstream very fast, maybe too fast. surprising, right? it can find a great audience if it’s loud and daring enough. It is aggressive marketing with no limitations, and sometimes it even has some qualities other than sheer size. whether you are a fan of street art or not, you’ll be able to find support to your cause, in this original documentary, that has an unlikely punk “cinderella story” underlay. no kidding. I enjoyed it very much.