While having a casual Skype call a few days ago, Instead of the usual doodling with a pen on paper, I was playing with a screw that was left on my desk. First, just passing it between my fingers, Soon, I started screwing it through some pieces of craft paper that were lying around. It was looking photogenic to me and so I shot it. Sometimes I have an Idea and a meaning for the image before I begin, sometimes they arise after the fact.
Category: Phodigraphy
In my travels to Israel, I get to stay sometimes with the Fox family, Howard Fox is a good friend, an amazing painter and a very interesting guy, His lovely wife, and two kids are making every stay a joy and yes, they have a dog and a picket fence.
I was going over some images today while checking Adobe Lightroom 4’s new development module and saw this picture, I shot it in Howard’s studio, So I gave it some love and added a little logo to it.

Rail gates
I was shooting a project in downtown LA this week. It’s a wonderful area to hunt for compositions. Using a smartphone made it very easy to snap this image while crossing the train rails to the other side of the river, I processed it the next time I had a couple of free minutes.

Children photography in general and specifically children playing is one of my favorite subjects, and what’s better for a spring entry than a child playing in a wheat field?

Children photography is as challenging as it is rewarding, it is a specialty, Being able to connect with the child is very important. I am very good at capturing kids in a natural environment, keeping you with everlasting memories. I am very attentive to the surroundings and work with the child within their “attention zone” to create images you’ll want to share.
To inquire about children’s headshots and portraits in the Los Angeles area, please contact me through my headshots website.

While shooting portraits of her mom, this sweet 5-year-old wanted some camera attention. As soon as her Mom left to change for the next set, I asked her to come up to the set and pretend she’s Mommy, she knew exactly what to do.
After a few smiles at the camera she was drawn into the computer and didn’t mind the camera anymore.

Climbing trees and playing outdoors were my favorite activities when I was this kid’s age, My fascination with computers started when I was well into my 20’s. For the last 10 years, I build and keep up all my computers and love doing that.
I didn’t find computers very practical for myself until Photoshop 3 came out. Looking at these images made me think whose childhood is more fulfilling, the tree climbers or the tech kids? I don’t have an answer for that.
Smartphone photography is fun, I stopped using my snapshot camera a year ago, shortly after I started using a smartphone. Up to that time I always carried a compact camera with me, even when I had my Professional DSLR camera with me, it was usually a Canon PowerShot.
Now I always have with me my phone/snapshot camera/music library/phonebook/portfolio/…. well, you get the idea.
Thanks to Steve Jobs for refining the concept, and thanks to all the rest who picked up the ball and started running. The best is yet to come.
The smartphone images are about as good as any snapshot camera, less the zoom capabilities.
I never use the phone’s digital zoom, I prefer to crop an image after taking it, that’s if I really need to. In order to satisfy my kink for constantly framing the world around me, the smartphone is a great solution.
The huge variety of cool apps out there is a bit confusing at first but I narrowed it down to two apps that I find are fun and helpful. The one I can’t do without is Thamba photo editor, it’s a feature-rich “Photoshop” substitute, the other is LoMob which allows me to mimic different film styles. Here’s a couple of recent shots.
I shot the first one at my doorstep this resilient little thing was growing from the concrete two feet in front of my door. I consider it lucky even though it has only three leaves. I shot he fire hydrant a couple of blocks from my house.