I’ve been asked what exactly are these images. these are manipulated photograph I shot, of smoke. i alter colors and draw on them, with digital tools. Here’s a new image, followed by a small copy of the original shot, notice the figure on the lower left.
In a field where pre-planning is very important, sometimes, to free my mind, I like to take a pencil and scribble on paper, without raising it for a few moments from the page, and then with as little lines possible, to get out of the chaos a subject that will make sense.
As many in the visual field, I have a library of photographs I shoot, to use them as backgrounds or effects. While looking through some of my smoke images, I noticed a lot of scribbles there to work with.
I use free association doing that, and I find it to be very rewarding.
Hello-SpaceBoy is another image from my vintage toys series. I love old toys and I am very lucky to have my friend Dannah sending me items I like from her vintage toy collection to have fun with; in the studio. I had this project on my mind for a while and I’m happy I finally got to it.
These toys surely brought a lot of happiness to kids, many moments of discovery and joy through the use of imagination, Just as it does for me.