Instagram Photography

How I learned to stop worrying and love Instagram

These are the latest 20 images on my Instagram stream, If you like them, you’re invited to follow me

I like Instagram. I think I do because it sends me back to the days I was listening to records, holding the 12-inch colorful square album covers, admiring the artwork.

Instagram reminds me of my first encounter with the legendary 500-C Hasselblad camera, that square window to the world that made everything look beautiful.

No doubt these covers allured me into the field of commercial photography.

Today, I don’t really need the camera to have a square frame, I crop to measure and it’s all good, I still use 1:1 frame when I see fit, but since the music business changed a lot, the commercial use of a square frame became more rare, until Instagram came and gave it a renewed breath of life.

Growing up into being a professional photographer, I trained myself to capture interesting frames, I could see them all around me, and went through many (many!) rolls of film, until I developed the “eye” for a good composition, slowly assembling a worthy portfolio, I wish I had Instagram back then…

Not many professionals are as “obsessed” about their work, enough to practice it in their free time, I can’t think of an accountant making calculations for fun, or a farmer plowing a field just because he likes it.
When you’re a photographer, that’s a different deal, at least for me, I just can’t help it, I need to be ready to click at all times.

I used to carry a compact camera with me wherever I went, when I found anything frame-worthy, I’d snap it.

When Nokia came out with their Lumia 920, the platform was ripe enough for me to try, they also promised an excellent camera, promised and delivered.

Soon enough many photography apps became available, allowing some serious ways to manipulate images, many Instagram like apps too, but not THE Instagram, the one many people were on. I started worrying, I got the Lumia 920 for its camera, and I wanted to share it and Instagram wasn’t in sight, until a month ago (*Nov. 2013). As soon as it was available I installed it, and it became my new composition playground. I shoot, I post, all done.

Instagram selfie in an elevator